Derek Medhurst

Family history: the main families

For some time I've delved back into our family history. It has usually been a stop-go process, and I've certainly not achieved the exhaustive history that some family historians manage.

Nevertheless, some of the main family lines include:

Bowra: Westerham, Ide Hill in West Kent (late 18th to mid 19th century)

Chilman: Brasted, Sundridge in West Kent (mid 19th to early 20th century)

Comber: Limpsfield in East Surrey (late 18th century)

Cosby: Sevenoaks in West Kent (late 19th to 20th century)

Leigh: around Ide Hill, West Kent (19th century); some Leigh stories

Thomas Medhurst

Medhurst: around Limpsfield in East Surrey (late 18th century); Westerham, Brasted, Sundridge and Ide Hill in West Kent (19th to 20th century)

Medhurst: in Cleveland, Ohio, USA (early 20th century onwards)

Phillips: Bermondsey (late 19th to early 20th century); Sevenoaks, Kent (20th century)

If you have any information you think may be of interest, or think I may have information relevant to you, please feel free to contact me.